Pain due to overwork and overwhelm
This testimonial is from 62-year-old professional with an executive job, undergoing major structural and personnel changes at work.
At the same time she also had demanding family commitments that just became too much - so her subconscious and body stepped in!

I first saw Jean in February 2018.
What a lifesaver!
Family responsibilities building up to stress overload
I went to see Jean as in a matter of one week, I had suffered extreme stress! My third grandson was born early and I had to desert responsibilities at work before being prepared to do this, as I was looking after her other two sons, one aged 18 months and the other aged 3 ½, while she was in hospital for the birth.
The birth went well, however, the baby suffered bad jaundice and wouldn’t feed, his mother had an infected varicose vein, and the other two boys were both suffering severe vomiting and diarrhoea, necessitating me taking them for stool and urine tests and ultra sounds while their mother was in hospital with the newborn.
More bad news and more family problems
On the day my daughter and her husband came home from hospital, her husband took the boys to a family celebration and the younger child, fell and sustained concussion. I had to take him to the hospital for testing and treatment while her husband comforted my daughter, who was distraught and still coping with her infected vein and a two day old baby. In addition, my other daughter was having brain MRIs for a suspected condition requiring brain surgery.
Stress overload causes excruciating pain and serious physical illness
I was exhausted with the worry, stress and all the running around, and succumbed to a UTI, thrush, a nasal infection, sciatica and cold sores. Then, as everything seemed to improve with the family getting well, I suffered a suspected heart attack. I was struggling to breathe and felt as if I had a rope being pulled tight around my chest. The pain was excruciating and my skin was grey. In tears, my daughter rang for an ambulance and I was taken to hospital.
Serious consequences of ignoring stress and minor symptoms
My husband raced to my side, thinking I was going to die. I had monitors on my chest and body and they conducted further tests, including X-rays, ultrasound, blood and urine tests, which were not consistent with having had a heart attack. However, my blood pressure was extremely high and I had high levels of cortisol. I was discharged with the recommendation I see my doctor for further tests.
Felt so fatigued and unwell
The following week, my heart ultrasound and further blood tests revealed a few imbalances, but nothing that ‘needed treatment’. I was still suffering with the medical issues and I constantly felt so fatigued and unwell. I knew I had to do something to help myself. A week later, I found Jean and she changed my life!
Natural medicine approach to stop pain, not medication
From my very first long consultation with Jean, it was evident that her kind and caring demeanour, along with her knowledge and passion for natural healing, were what I needed. Her experience and expertise helped me understand what a tremendously stressful set of circumstances I had been dealing with regarding my loved ones.
The 'big picture' of stress, worry and fatigue
She listened and gently questioned, getting as much information as she could. She got the ‘big picture’ and was able to explain what was going on in my body as a result of the stress, worry and fatigue. This made me feel as if a huge weight was being lifted at last and that I could be well again.(READ MORE - Impact of stress and worry on pain)
Sciatic pain disappeared
Jean provided me with natural products to help me through. I saw Jean twice more in that first week and finally felt that I was not alone in dealing with what was going on in my body and my life. I started to feel better physically and the sciatica pain disappeared! Over the following two weeks, Jean dropped everything to help me through my crisis, never turning me away when I called, and for the first time in a very long time, I felt as if I was not only healing physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Expert knowledge and understanding
Through her expert knowledge of Kinesiology, Jean got down to the nitty gritty of what I was dealing with and helped me to be stronger in restructuring my life in a more balanced way to look after myself, understand my body, and maintain my health. I continued to see Jean regularly and started feeling as if my body was my own again, and I started sleeping well.
Latest natural healing methods for chronic pain
Jean is caring, compassionate, honest, inspirational and reassuring. She always continues to research the latest natural healing methods. Throughout treatment, Jean remained totally supportive, working with me and not judging me, while providing advice to help me get my life back on track in a way that meant I looked after myself first and foremost. I am grateful to Jean not only for listening to me, but addressing my health issues in a ‘whole body manner’.
Thank you Jean! You truly are a lifesaver!