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Natural Treatment of Fibromyalgia

Spikes of the Sunflower - fibromyalgia spike of pain.JPG

I’d like to tell you about Cathy a 38 year old woman, who had recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia when she came to see me. She was not happy with the advice of her specialist who told her that he could not help her anymore, and she should just go away and take the medication he prescribed!


After searching the internet she found me. I was pleased to meet her as treating chronic pain is my passion.  Likewise, she was pleased to meet me as my treatment options offered the possibility of change and taking charge of her own health. 




Fibromyalgia - one client's story of Chronic Pain 



Cathy's pain story was complex and had developed over many years.


Below are the symptoms that she presented with on the first visit at the end of October.


Pain symptoms:

  • muscle pain/weakness,

  • headaches,

  • neck/shoulder pain

  • back pain

  • joint pain


Physical/digestive symptoms:

  • fatique

  • low energy levels

  • bloating

  • constipation

  • skin problems

  • nausea


Mental symptoms

  • anxiety

  • fainting/dizziness

  • brain fog



Cathy's Treatment

Over several months Cathy's fibromyalgia treatment consisted of many different aspects. As you can see above fibromyalgia itself is complex and affects all areas of health and wellness. Life was particularly challenging as she is a working mother with two teenage children.


  1. Physical movement,

  2. Neurological repatterning, neural messaging and re-wiring your brain,

  3. Emotional release


Treatment was complex but consisted of physical movement, neurological repatterning and emotional release from many challenges in her life. (She has given me permission to talk about her treatment but I will not disclose the emotional issues that she worked through.)



Techniques, using kinesiology muscle checking, that release emotions and stress


Often I know little of your personal issues and challenges, as I perform emotional release without the person talking; simply recalling is enough. I use techniques that allow the release of emotions and stress, so thoughts remain unspoken. One client described their personal consultation process of myself providing the clues, ideas for each clients to effective "connect the dots".


Within a short time many of Cathy's symptoms began to recede, enabling her to move freely with her pain reducing, with some pain free days.


Most weeks saw an improvement but it’s important to understand that sometimes there is a backwards step during treatment. One such occurred in this case.



Then a sudden backward step after so much progress


In January after making great progress and having virtually no symptoms she came to my office one week; the pain was back and she was not feeling good at all! We talked about what was going on and it we figured out what was happening. It was January and preparations for her children to return to school and to their activities were underway. The thought of driving the children to their activities and spending so much time in the car, working and looking after the house and the rest of the family just blew out her system!




Fibromyalgia flare-ups when chronic pain gets much worse


One aspect of chronic pain often mentioned are 'flare-ups' meaning that your pain can be much worse, suddenly 'flaring up' and becoming more painful. Often it can be difficult finding out why, but as I've worked with clients they are able to identify why. Though the reason one finds in literature is a 'flare-up' is generally seen as a response to a person with chronic pain doing too much 'overdoing it' or trying to 'push through their pain'. This may be the case, however over years of working with clients these 'flare-ups' may have been an emotional response to personal challenges and a better name would be an 'emotional flare-up"


One such example was a woman, again she had reached pain-free status as Cathy above. When we talked about any recent changes she mentioned that her daughter had got a job that meant she had to move to the North Island (of New Zealand) permanently. As a single parent it was upsetting, especially as her other daughter moved away several years before.


This is true learning about managing chronic pain!



Family discussion about Cathy's challenges overcoming her fibromyalgia


We discussed the need to talk to her family, especially her husband who was fly-in fly-out worker, necessitating periods away from home, to make them understand how difficult life was for her.


By the next visit: 


  • one son had a moped and took himself to activities,

  • the younger son was going to a club closer to home,

  • chores were being shared out.

  • Her only remaining problem was rather female – accepting a lower standard of tidying and cleaning around the home!!!



Treatment protocol for Cathy's fibromyalgia - wellness returned!


Initially she had seven weekly appointments, each for an hour. We then reduced to fortnightly appointments and then monthly as her health improved. She made further remarkable progress and after 14 sessions since the end of October is totally without pain, has earned promotion at work and is feeling more confident and capable than she has ever felt in her life. 




Find a therapist that suits you, understands you and YOU MAKE CHANGES


This case history from my clinical practice shows that with a suitable therapist and a determination to get better  Cathy now has her life back on track.


Although this is a positive story for Cathy, other patients' have not had such a straight forward journey with a holistic practitioner. In a search for answers some chronic pain sufferers will collect a wide range of clinicians, doctors and therapists. This can result in what I call 'treatment overload' as I describe in the article - Can we balance patient workload and patient capacity for those living in chronic pain





Final comments on the chronic pain that accompanies Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia is a complex issue and very individual, varying from person to person, in the way it manifests and how well each person can deal with the many symptoms. This case study shows the major effect that stress had on Cathy.


It also illustrates the importance of a holistic treatment that includes:

  • physical movement,

  • neurological intervention,

  • lifestyle and nutritional support.


And the most important factor that is undertaken at Natural Pain Solutions to release emotions and past trauma, so working on a psychological level.




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